Student Guide

We provide complete academic and administrative learner support throughout the course.

Adviser Center

helps students understand how to navigate the university/major policies and procedures better.

Hot Programs

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Student Center

A student center might offer a variety of programs, activities, services, and facilities.

Prograssive Programs

Welcome to Southstar

The portfolio of SouthStar includes institutions, colleges, and universities from all around the world, which helps enrich a student's educational experience. Information that is accurate and correct has always been demonstrated to be trustworthy and true in delivering the promised services.

Southstar acts as a strong channel with the primary goal of providing premier opportunities in academia.

Free Counselling Sessions

Guidance for Course selection

Free English languge Training

Free Mock Interviews


Financial Assistance (Loan process)

Insurance cover

Travel Assistance

Career opportunity

Pre-departure briefing

Assistance in Accommodation

Forex Assistance

Study Destinations



Popular Courses

Master of Business Administration
8 Country 12 University 145 Students
Master of Science Digital Marketing
4 Country 8 University 89 Students
Master of Science Project Management
6 Country 6 University 75 Students

Our Students Say!